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Unlock the secrets to boost your teen's wellbeing!

If you are the parent of an anxious teen...

you are probably feeling:


  • helpless

  • as if you're failing

  • out of options

  • frustrated &

  • alone

So Enough!

I help parents of anxious teens
KNOW what to do.
Take your teen from survival to revival, reclaim your relationship, and see your teen HAPPY! 

Sound good?

2024 Podcast Cover.png
Trailer EpisodeLISTEN NOW!
00:00 / 01:36
Top Anxiety
Podcasts UK*
TOP 5%
Global Podcast Ranking


I’m Moira and I am here to support all parents who want the tools and strategies to KNOW what to do when dealing with an anxious teen.

I am host of a top-ranking podcast, a certified emotion-release practitioner and mum to one teenage boy.

About 4 years ago (during Covid) my bright & confident 11 year old became anxious, demotivated and self-critical.

It did not last long because I caught it early and I knew what to do.

Most parents don’t.

And most parents face years of worsening symptoms, waiting lists, worry, stress & little support as they watch their bright-eyed child disappear.

It does not need to be this way.

I have made it my mission to help parents of anxious teens by giving them the tools & knowledge they need to help their teen thrive without therapy, medication or meltdowns - just like I did.


Taking teen and parent from survival to revival, restoring their parent-teen relationship, and seeing their teen thrive.


Happy kids, happy parents right?!

So first thing to do?
Subscribe to the podcast!

Does this sound familiar.....?


You're desperate to help your teen but everything you try gets rejected

You've tried therapy but they won't engage, it's not working or they refuse to go

You feel drained, tired & defeated, just worrying about them all the time

Your work/sanity is suffering &/or family tensions are running high

You feel like you are treading on eggshells, just waiting for the next crisis to hit

You're snappy, triggered, angry & frustrated, just wanting it all to go away are not alone!

In a recent survey, 61% of parents reported that their teenager was experiencing anxiety at a level that interfered with their daily lives. And no doubt, that number is actually much higher!


But when organisations, schools and gps are too overwhelmed/underfunded to step in and help, let's do what what we do best - roll up our sleeves and do it ourselves! Because believe me.....'s possible!

Be the change

Welcome to the NEW parent-centred, emotion-centred & practical approach that gets SERIOUS results! Empowering parents with the tools & strategies that actually WORK....

Get out of helplessness, become the best support system for your teen 

Want to KNOW WHAT TO DO to help your anxious teen?

Sign up to my mailing list for free resources, tools and guidance

After signing up with your email, you will receive weekly emails, news & information all designed to help you.

Don't worry, if it gets too much you can unsubscribe at any time! And no info is ever passed to third parties.

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